Martes, Marso 5, 2013

cut version

- they are religious, and there is no sunday or day for abstinence that they are not seen by their visit on the nothern part of the town. They have rosaries on their palm while praying.

And the two of them - the boy and the girl are studying, together with some other children at the small building with three rooms, the building located at the south. They have many dreams that occupies up to the stride of the boundary of that place, of that town, and of that province.


They have no classes during weekends or holidays. They were playing inside that hedge, from morning till afternoon. They climb on trees of mangosteen, guava, on fragile branches of plum, on rough and brittle branches of mango tree. Their knees and face are scratched, their elbows are wounded, and their skin is peeling, but they don't care about that; they just go on playing.

It is cool under the mango tree, in morning the grasses are thick and they run under that tree, playing acrobatics and tripping another's foot and when they get tired, they lay down on that grass, looking up to the closed branches of the tree, peeping through those thick leaves, pretending that the sky is a mirror, where they see their faces closely.

"You're foolish... can you really see your face in the sky?" she says. " Why not. Father said, the sky is like a big mirror" he replies.

The girl then peeps between those leaves just like she wanted to prove that he is right through her own sight. And after a moment, there was silence, their bodies were like rolled out blankets as they fell asleep and they'll just wake up when they heard that their parents are calling them.

There was a chance that the boy was the first to wake up, either the two of them who wakes up first, it's usual for them to get a cut of grass to tickle the ear of the one who's still asleep until he or she wakes up. And they started to play again, chasing each other until they get tired again and they'll both fall to the cold green grass, lying closed to each other, and they never care if their legs are leaning on to each other, as they felt the warmth of their bodies.

When they they get tired to that place, they went to the beach during afternoon. They are picking sea shells. The boy put the shells he collected into the pocket of his suspended pants, the girl put them in a purse from the edge of her shirt. If they're not picking shells on the beach, they're excavating the sand to find shells underneath or they're making a sand castle, hunting some little crabs, that if they couldn't hide on their grooves, they thrust into the excavated sand and buried themselves then.

But not only those, they also play raillery, chasing each other and when they get exhausted, they will lie their back on the sand just like what they do in the grass, there was a moment that they will stare at each other's eyes, and he asks the girl sometimes " Do you hear that.. there's a sound in my chest". The girl rise with wo